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An Original Educational Series by Belouga & Rhett Oldham
Subjects Covered: World History, History, Earth Science
The ancient city of Pompeii and nearby cities were destroyed in 79 CE by a violent eruption of Mount Vesuvius. This happened in a mere afternoon and virtually erased an entire society from the face of the Earth. Or did it? Come explore Pompeii and discover the hidden treasures that lie beneath.
About Rhett Oldham
My name is Dr. Rhett Oldham, and I teach 7th Grade American History II and 8th Grade World History. I have a real passion for history and want my students to understand how fun learning about history can be. I have been teaching for 21 years at various levels. I have taught in high school, college, and middle school, and I find that all students want to learn if given something that they can get excited about. Ste Genevieve is a great place to teach and a wonderful place to learn.
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